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tasa midwinter conference
inspiring leaders

new call-to-action

thank you for attending my thought leader session.
now get those free resources i promised.

the new school rules session overview:


leadership expert tom northrup wrote: “all organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. if we want different results, we must change the way we do things.” anthony kim’s “the new school rules: 6 vital practices for thriving and responsive schools” will help you rethink the way work gets done.


learning outcomes:

  • trends in organizational design theory
  • the six rules to transform your schools(planning, teaming, managing roles, decision-making, sharing information, and the learning organization)



many of you asked for the slides i shared from the session. i have compiled the slides with additional resources i thought you'd be interested in. you can access these resources, all in one place, by filling out the form.

by anthony kim anthony@edelements.com








download the resources