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keeping your strategic plan
nimble during times of change
webinar may 6, 2020

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thank you for attending this webinar!

in this webinar:

join us for learning more about keeping your strategic plan nimble during times of change. our team will share a template for providing updates to your community about which initiatives, district activities, and other operations are continuing, on pause, and sunsetted during covid-19


additional resources:

  • we're hosting several more webinars in the covid-19 webinar series over the next couple weeks. sign up here.

  • join us for an open discussion coffee chat here.

  • check out additional resources on how to address the widespread impact of covid-19 on your school.

  • free 1:1 office hours available!  meet with one of our experts to help answer your questions and provide advice.  sign up here.


➡️ watch the webinar recording here!

download the slides here.


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