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personalized learning implementation framework


  • pl vision alignment - how does your purpose for
  • pl align with your district vision and/or mission? pl rollout plan - how do you plan to roll out pl across schools?
  • pl multi-year roadmap - what are the key project milestones and goals across year 0, 1, 2, and 3?
  • initiative alignment - how does pl relate to other district initiatives?
  • pl expectations & success indicators - what are the district expectations for pl? how will you measure the success of pl?


  • culture of innovation - how can you develop and formalize a culture of innovation across the district?
  • pl instructional models - what will schools’ personalized learning instructional models look like? will they share common design elements?
  • students as self-directed learners - how will you develop students as self-directed learners?
  • schedule aligned to pl design - how much are you willing to change bell schedules or annual calendars to support pl?
  • teacher role in pl instructional model - what will teacher roles look like in your pl instructional models?

curriculum & instruction

  • curriculum inventory - which curriculum, assessments, and digital tools are you committed to?
  • online & offline curriculum alignment - what is the purpose of and relationship between your curriculum resources?
  • digital portfolio and usage - which digital tools are being used? for what purpose and how often?
  • grading, assessment, and data culture - which grading and assessment tools matter most to you? how is data used at schools and across the district?
  • strategy for specific student populations - how do you tier supports and instructional models for specific student populations (e.g. ell, sped, tag, etc.)?


  • roles to support pl teachers - what are the roles and responsibilities for supporting pl teachers?
  • pl professional learning plan - what is the schedule and focus for professional learning for teachers, schools, and district-wide?
  • pl resource bank - what pl resources will you provide schools with and where will you store these resources?
  • pl coaching & feedback system - how will you modify your coaching and instructional feedback system to support pl?
  • pl communication plan - how will you regularly communicate about pl to stakeholder groups (community, school board, principals, teachers, students, families, etc.)?


  • devices & digital tools - what are the roles, protocols, and processes for purchasing devices and digital tools?
  • it support plan - what is your plan for supporting schools with it needs and tech troubleshooting?
  • infrastructure upgrade plan - what is your plan for upgrading facilities, bandwidth, etc.?
  • 3-5 year budget - how will you budget for ongoing costs to support pl?
  • workforce plan - how will you recruit, hire, train, celebrate, and retain staff to support pl?

data analysis: use formative data (observations, surveys, digital content usage, etc.) and student academic data to monitor success and continuously improve pl implementation