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loudoun county public schools, va

how 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 and google for education empowered loudoun students

about the district

loudoun county public schools (lcps), located outside the washington, dc metro area, is the third largest school district in the commonwealth of virginia. lcps serves approximately 80,000 students across 90 facilities.  while a largely affluent school district, lcps identified a need to better meet the needs of each of its students.

the challenge

loudoun county public schools was seeking a way to better engage students and prepare them for college and career.  the district also wanted students to have meaningful experiences that connect to the outside world and support their development as problem-solver and life-long learners.

the solution: consulting services + technology

lcps decided to move away from a singular focus on project-based learning and layer in personalized learning across its ~70,000 students.

lcps hired 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 to help the district to clarify its vision, develop a rollout plan and support the transformation to learning environments with personalized learning and project-based learning.  it opted to do successive ways of schools, with each group learning from the schools that made this transformation before it.

lcps purchased chromebooks for waves 2 and 3 (a combined 25 schools) after determining that the chromebook was the best option for students and teachers.  the district also uses chromebooks and g suite for education.

google for education -- chromebook --

the results

student achievement and engagement has been steadily improving across the district, and student enrollment has increased - all three were goals the district set out with from the start. in addition:

  • 87% of wave 1 teachers report that they frequently target instruction to address groups of students or individual needs within lessons.
  • 85% of wave 1 school leaders say that students are more engaged since they implemented personalized learning. 
  • 88% of wave 1 school leaders say that teachers are more effective since implementing personalized learning

school leaders feel empowered to make innovative changes in their own environment which are influencing authentic and deeper learning experiences.  teachers have become designers of their own classrooms which has created more student-centered learning experiences allowing students to become agents of their own learning. students are in control of their learning pathway. adult learners and student learners are all utilizing google platforms to collaborate and iterate on their learning experiences.

“our mission is to empower all students to make meaningful contributions to the world, and we are well on our way to doing so through personalized learning. we knew that we could not do it alone. 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 has provided the support we need and google has provided technology that underpins many of our efforts.”

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