andrea is a former special education teacher & coach. she loves cooking and re-reading the harry potter series.
angela is a former district administrator. she loves working with district leaders to support organizational transformation.
learn more about angelaak founded ee inspired by schools creating #newschooldesigns. he loves dogs, tris, & inspiring others to challenge themselves.
learn more about anthonycorey is a former journalist and chief communications officer. he loves stories, comedy, family, and star wars cartoons.
courtney's big on equity, authentic learning experiences, and creative confidence. she loves her dogs and syracuse basketball.
crystal partners with educators to maximize student learning through innovative approaches. a great book and beautiful florals sparks joy for her.
dana loves being outside running or rock climbing, especially when she gets to share those passions with her district partners.
gabby's super power is in leveraging analogies and business cases to tackle education challenges. outside of work, you can usually find her enjoying a good cup of coffee, raising three amazing kids, and capturing all of life's moments through her camera lens.
jill is passionate about using innovative ideas to reimagine education. she is a bookaholic but also enjoys trying new restaurants and working out.
a former teacher and lifelong collaborator, kelly is enthuastic about helping districts design learning environments for all learners.
leila is passionate about inclusive leadership and has a track record for developing strategy for teams in a high-growth environment. in her free time, she enjoys cooking, running, meditation, and reading fiction.
learn more about leila
megan is passionate about supporting
andreea is on the impact team. she enjoys outdoor adventures, snuggling with her two cats, and trying new foods.
anna is a former school counselor and special education teacher who is committed to advocating for students and educators. she is an avid virginia tech fan and loves to travel.
aqueenah is a multi-disciplined creative who enjoys reading, traveling and spending time with her nieces and nephews.
ben is interested in connecting people to effective solutions that scale. he loves showtunes, cooking, and time with his family.
blair is a former hs teacher-leader with a passion for improving student outcomes through staff development and support. he loves cooking and crossword puzzles.
brian is a former teacher and administrator. he loves epic family road trips, smoking bbq, all things new orleans and memphis, and thinks minivans are the best vehicle ever invented.
cristina is devoted to creating meaningful learning experiences for students. she loves walks with her dogs scully and mulder, and spicy foods.
drew is passionate about leveraging the power of entrepreneurial thinking to drive equitable and systemic change in education.
in her free time, emily loves to write comedy, create short videos, and play video games.
filip spends his time figuring out the ways to make 1+1=3 for ee and our partners, skiing, and raising a kick-ass little human.
janice loves helping courageous leaders strengthen their teams to improve school for students.
jason is a big believer that learning helps us improve in some way every day. his formula for solving complex problems: coffee, good music, and lots of laughs.
jessica advocates for transformational education, with a background in marketing and higher ed. she enjoys music and bikram yoga.
katie is committed to helping schools and districts meet the diverse needs of the students they serve. she is a fan of sushi, sports, and naps.
a former teacher and soccer coach, katie is passionate about building community. she loves anything soccer-related, running, being outside, and spending time with loved ones.
lauren is a former teacher and counselor who is passionate about creating equitable schools for all students. she loves to travel.
maggie is passionate about educational equity and developing leaders, and enjoys yoga, hiking, and quality time with loved ones.
mariko is a former teacher, school leader, and principal who is passionate about creating equitable education to all students. she loves traveling the world and experiencing new places.
meg is a curriculum nerd passionate about equitable access to strong instruction. she loves to read, bake for friends, and swim.
micaela is a lifelong educator, full-time mommy, and part-time home chef. she is excited to weave together her passion for equity and strategic planning in her role as design principal.
miriam is a former teacher who is dedicated to equitable policy and school improvement. she is constantly searching for the next best restaurant in brooklyn!
nick is passionate about supporting the happiness, wellness and purpose of educators. he is a philadelphia-native who loves writing children’s books and playing ice hockey.
purvi is passionate about working with forward-thinking educators to reimagine school. she's a design thinking nerd and loves to read.
sarah strives to use liberatory design to co-create spaces where our humanity is nurtured and agency activated. hiking keeps her grounded.
wes is a former educator focused on building equity. he's also passionate about his family, baking bread, and getting outdoors.