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it is now april, and for many of us, the resolutions we set in january are starting to feel more like a memory than the habits we hoped they would be. why is that? i think it is a combination of two factors: 1) we were not honest about our expectations — we shot too high or too low and didn’t take into account what we could honestly do. 2) we focused on the wrong issue. for example, we wanted to lose weight but tried to increase our exercise rather than fix our diet. right intention, but the solution didn’t quite work because we didn’t fully understand the problem.
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don’t call schools outdated; call them inadequate. don’t focus on technology; emphasize the benefits for teachers. and try not to talk about testing too much.
this white paper includes a framework, actionable ideas and insights from districts who have successfully implemented personalized learning, to help you get started.
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interest in personalized learning continues to surge all across the country. however, not everyone understands what personalized learning looks like or the changes it will necessitate, and people are often wary of what they don’t understand. so how we talk about personalized learning can either engage families or push them away.
ed elements in the news | organizational leadership & change management
on this podcast, anthony is interviewed by justin baeder director of the principal center about how schools and district organizations can be more effective and impactful.
ed elements in the news | organizational leadership & change management
in this episode, we are talking with anthony kim, a nationally recognized leader in education technology, school design, and personalized learning. he is the founder of 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 and has been involved in helping hundreds of schools change the way they think about teaching and learning.
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in high functioning schools and systems, leaders play four important roles: governance, operations, community building and change leadership. as el paso superintendent juan cabrera and i discussed in a recent post, each of these roles can feel like a full-time job. just maintaining the status quo (governance and operations) are complex and politically charged roles. mobilizing collective community action to better supports youth and families can be an enormous lift–and school leaders almost always have a role in making it happen.