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district partners in the news | ed elements in the news
next phase of tech-infused teaching model goes deeper on personalization and authenticity
district partners in the news | press release
the second cohort of lexington education leadership award (lela) fellowship winners celebrates the completion of their personalized learning fellowship. each of the leaders is poised to bring their newly gained expertise to their district to improve the learning environment for students.
this white paper includes a framework, actionable ideas and insights from districts who have successfully implemented personalized learning, to help you get started.
ee summit | 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率 | press release
the personalized learning summit brings together more than 250 district leaders at various stages of their personalized learning journeys to share best practices and learn from each other and experts through two days of innovation tours, keynote speakers, and interactive workshops.
district partners in the news | press release
the lexington institute has awarded the lexington education leadership award (lela) fellowship to 10 outstanding district leaders from across the country. each is a pioneer in the space, ready to do even more to support students and teachers in personalized learning.
district partners in the news | mentions
on the surface, it may seem like charter schools are the ideal testing grounds for educational technology. they’re designed to be small and nimble. these “incubators of innovation,” as president obama called them, are able to quickly try out new ideas.but in the journey towards successfully implementing educational technology in classrooms, the tortoise may outpace the hare. that’s because it’s only in big, slow-moving traditional schools that edtech can reach its full potential to democratize education.
if there is one thing i know about school districts, it is that each is unique with its own strengths, challenges, goals, political context and quirky qualities. but if there is another thing i have learned, it is that despite the differences, there are things that hold true.