b.y.o.t bring your own thoughts
the latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in k-12 education. we answer questions before you think to ask them.
as a former superintendent and now consultant for a small startup tech company, i have experienced both sides of hiring a third party vendor. i have hired consulting firms and edtech vendors as a superintendent, and as a consultant, i have partnered with schools to employ a technology platform for growth and reflection.
blended learning | innovative leadership | personalized learning | school districts
it is hard these days to look at any educational advertising or product without seeing the word blended learning attached in some fashion. this product purports to add to your blended learning initiative while this product promises a way to solve all of your technology challenges. the term blended learning could become one of those educational terms that risks being shoved into the graveyard of other educational reforms unless your school or district has an overarching purpose for moving into blended learning.
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