b.y.o.t bring your own thoughts
the latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in k-12 education. we answer questions before you think to ask them.
remote work | school leadership | teacher retention
there are 88 million opportunities in the human genome for trait variations to make us unique, but when it comes to what we seek in the workplace, neuroscience suggests most humans crave the same three things – safety, belonging, and a sense of mattering. this is hardly news; abraham maslow wrote about these same needs in his 1943 paper on human motivation, and a quick scan of nearly any company’s glassdoor reviews will highlight these variables. the past year challenged the way nearly every organization approached these needs. lack of personal connection, the inability to ‘disconnect’ from work, and whose health and safety are prioritized rank among a laundry list of complaints with today’s employee experience. and when it comes to the field of education, the pandemic doubled down on pre-existing conditions within the teacher experience.
remote work | teacher retention | teachers
the worldwide response to covid-19 is creating unforeseen challenges and virtual changes for every aspect of our education system. long-standing pillars such as curriculum and instruction, operations, and accountability, among others, are all being tested under the weight of the pandemic response.
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