andrea goetchius is an associate partner on the design and implementation team working with schools and districts to best meet the needs of all learners. andrea enjoys collaborating with and connecting clients across the country. andrea began her career as a special education teacher in glendale, arizona. as a teacher she experienced customized learning for her own professional development, solidifying the belief that all teachers and students deserve unique paths for learning and development. during her time in the classroom she coached and supported student teachers and led staff development. andrea then worked for teach for america as a manager of teacher leadership development where she coached and supported teachers pk-12 to match their strengths and skills with the needs of their students. in her current role andrea specializes in projects that bring initiatives to scale across districts, regional centers and state entities. andrea has also led districts through a strategic planning process to identify long term priorities and goals. she is passionate about the development of innovative leaders.
jill thompson is an associate partner at 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率
where she works with districts from around the country to solve their biggest challenges. prior to working with 瑞士vs喀麦隆亚盘赔率
, she was the director of personalized digital learning at charlotte-mecklenburg schools (cms). she was responsible for leading the cms transformation in a highly complex, large urban environment. she developed a personalized data driven model to provide professional learning, and created micro-credentialing learning paths. jill is a former classroom teacher, who has won multiple awards for being an outstanding educator. she is an authorized google education trainer and apple teacher. some of her current projects are school redesign and technology strategy planning.