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blended learning classroom walkthrough tool

blended learning walkthrough resource

integrated digital content

look for

  •  types of digital content in use
  • alignment between online and offline content
  • how students are interacting with online content (taking notes, showing work, etc.)

ask students

  • how did you know to be on this content?
  • can you tell me why you use this program?
  • how does your work online help you with what you do in the rest of class

targeted instruction

look for

  • instructional model that supports small-group instruction
  • clear and consistent expectations across small groups
  • intentional groupings of students

ask students

  • why are you in this specific group?
  • do you have choice over what you are working on?
  • what do you do if you need help and your teacher is working with another group?

student reflection and ownership

look for

  • evidence of student reflection (reflection sheets, google forms, notebooks, etc.)
  • teacher feedback on reflections
  • appropriate depth/quality of reflections for grade level
  • student ability to articulate what they are learning online 

ask students

  • how do you keep track of what you do online?
  • how often do you complete reflections?
  • does your teacher check in or talk to you about your reflections?
  • what are you learning about today?

data driven decisions

look for

  • evidence of data being used to drive groupings or small group instruction (visual anchors)
  • differentiation of material at stations that reflect student needs and current ability levels

ask students

  • does your teacher know how you’re doing online?
  • does your teacher check in with you about what you do online?
  • what does your teacher do when you struggle or do well?

environment & engagement

look for

  • rotations are efficient and well-managed
  • evidence of a ‘back-up’ plan in case of technological issues
  • percentage of students actively engaged in learning
  • whether teacher has to circulate to manage behaviors in small groups

ask students

  • what do you do if your device is not working?
  • how do you know which group to be in and where you are headed next?
  • why does your teacher have you learn on this program?